I recently had a small wart on the tip of my thumb. After about a week of noticing it I was using the bathroom and noticed what appeared to be a small bump or possible wart on my, for lack of better words, skin ring under the tip of my penis. In a moment of stupidity, fear, and curiosity I decided to use compound w freeze away on the small bump on my penis. The applicator tip was larger than the bump and made contact with the surrounding skin. I now have a small black area around the area. It has been about two days since the incident. I'd also like to note I haven't been sexually active in years and have been tested for std's in the past have been cleared. I'm worried the bump may have been a wart carried over from my thumb. My question is, is it possible for a wart to transfer from your hand to your penis and would this have a chance of spreading further on my penis. How do I go about treating this freeze burn or will it heal itself shortly?