Brown malodorous vaginal discharge - I'm 26 y old, had a Mirena for 2.5 years without ANY problems (periods decreased to 2-3 days of spotting every few months), however, in September I had 10 days of heavy bleeding. I went to my gyno and had a battery of tests done - no STDs, but the strings of my IUD had retracted into my uterus. Had an ultrasound, which revealed a large ovarian cyst. Had hysteroscopy to remove the IUD, a D&C, and laproscopic surgery to evaluate the cyst (came back as a functional cyst). I waited 6 weeks and during that time I developed BV... which I had never had before and it resolved with metro. I had my new IUD placed and then within 2 weeks I had the same symptoms of BV - watery light brown vaginal discharge and very fishy malodorous discharge. Another 7 days of metro resolved it, but now 5 days after treatment, I have very dark brown, thick vaginal discharge (almost friable) - it's malodorous but not quite as fishy as before (could just be malodorous due to the brown color). I'm not due for my period for another 10 days or so... could this be some sort of infection? Could this be due to the new Mirena? I have been having sex with the same partner now for quite some time and we are monogamous.. and the D&C and all the STD screenings came back negative. I can't get in to see my gyno for another few weeks - but I don't want to wait if this is something serious.