I am a 43 year old female and have recently been experiencing changes in menstrual cycle, skipped periods, and very painful cramping . 2 weeks ago I found myself in the ER with severe abdominal cramping that woke me at 2 am. I was given something for the pain(toridal) ,and after blood and urine samples were tested, I was released with a diagnosis of Menstrual Cramping. Since then my period ended the following day, but the cramping continued on and off and never really went away.And I am now feeling the severe cramping again as bad as the night it began, 2 weeks after bleeding has stopped from last period. I am unable to see any pattern as to what is bringing the spells on, and am afraid I may have an ovarian cyst causing this discomfort. I dont know whether to go to the Er again after being sent home with period cramps, but am in severe pain right now? No internal or other test were performed . Do I need to be seen you think, or can I make it til monday morning appt. with family practice? What can this be that is causing such pain?