I am 24 years old, 5'5 and 130lbs. I have no prior medical history. I just go to the gyn for yearly checkups. For the last month I have been feeling extremely tired, i have nausea that comes and goes. I have SOB on exertion and little activity seems to take a lot out of me. I also have been lightheaded too. I am not pregnant, i have been to my yearly pap and the test was negative, and my boyfriend is in Iraq and that is not a possibility. About Two weeks ago I found a knot under my diaphragm and now there are a couple more, about the size of a nickel they arent hard, but theyre not really soft either. Sometimes there is pain in that area. Also I seem to have issues after i eat. The food seems to get stuck in that spot and there is fullness and tightness even if i do not eat that much. I had a doctors appointment today, but they called and cancelled bc the dr is sick. Was just curious if you had any ideas or suggestions until i can get to the doctor.