age 29 years height 5.2,1/2 feet, weight 52-53kgs.
hi doc, hypothyroid pateint treting wwith medicines thyrox and now on 125 mg of thyrox daily
pcos problem also so on 1000 mg of glycomete, now pregnant pregnancy of 10 weeks but foetus has stopped growing from 3 weeks , no cardic activity, so abortion tommorrow, last year also blighted ovum so aborted last year also so, i want to know the reason for baby not developing waiting desperately to have baby trying from ladt five yeaar , this yaer i took fertyl 50 mg for 5 days then ets for 10 days , temp also rised, everything was ok till 6 th week thwn suddenly heartbeat stopped is it because hypothyroidism or pcos i have pcos continously even in pregnancy but as dosage increased of glycometee and thyrox ovaries are normal in sonography but baby is dead ,
what should i do to concieve and ovulate regularly while i was on 100 mg thyrox tsh was 1.9 but as i increase dosage of thyrox no ovulation and no menses happens when on 100mg should i increase more dose of thyrox so that tsh would be near 1.0 to ovulate regularly and have refular menses and to concieve and sustain a healthy pregnancy, and eliminate pcos , please sir help me , please guidde me so that i and my husband would sought out things easily .
waiting for your reply