I'm a 26 year old female, 130 pounds, and in good health. A couple months ago I discovered a bump, which appeared to be a pimple, just below my temple, at my hairline. I didnt think anything of it, and since it is hard to see because my hair covers it, I forgot about it. A couple days ago i discovered what I believe to be the same bump, only now it feels like a pea and is tender to touch. It is hard to see completely because of my hair, but it looks like a bug bite, red, and slighty puffy, only it feels harder and that it runs deeper than any bug bite I have ever had, if that makes sense. My glands feel swollen and more tender then usual, especially the ones right below my ears. I have also felt a little more tired then usual, but that may be because of the shorter winter days throwing me off. Any help would really be appreciated!