For the longest time I had a tiny little bump on my lip, the color of my skin. It was hardly noticeable. However, after messing and picking at it, it grew into a large pimple. The pimple never became a whitehead, just a large red bump. Unfortunately, I continued to pick on the pimple (on my lip) and a bright red spot formed on the skin around it. Now, the skin is raised and wrinkly and it feels hard inside of it. If I stretch the skin it turns white, but the lump is hard and I don't think it's pus that would come out. The pimple is still there, so it appears as if their are two bumps. The pimple is soft whereas the lump above is hard. I thought it could be scar tissue, but I am dark skinned and I have never had a pink/red scar- they always turn brown right away. I have tried acne meds too.