hello sir Hi, i am rahul 26 age I am suffring nightfall problem from last 6 years.it occurs two or three times of a week.due to nightfall i dont concentrate in my studies,i am looking very dipressed these days ,i went to the doctor and he gave me some medicne for 10 days,after taking these medicne my nightfall problem is reduce , now it comes in a week,but
sir my new problem occurs due these medicne .in my cock there is no movement and its looks very small and thik and my sex desire is also spoil now i am scaring coz nxt month i am going too marry will it effect my marriage life plzz sir i really need ur help plz guide now what should i do
and one more i feel chest is growing just like female i mean its look like a female brest due to this i geel so embracement in public place ,a nd i also feel i reduce sexual urge