Hello, I am 42 and have a Bartholine cyst on the right side of my private part. It started after oral sex with my new boyfriend, we used a condom. On the 5 th of may it started growing slowly and now it is the size of a golfball. I have taken cyproxacine for 9 days and Dalacin 300mg for 4 days after my gynacologist aspirated the cyst. It is now very red and itchy,nit feels like itbwants to burts open...what can i do to make it come to a head faster so it can drain naturally as I am in a third world country and dont trust the docters here who want to Marsup it.I heard applying olive oil and garlic could help. I am taking sitzbaths with epson salt.I have trouble walking normally and siiting is painfull. Couldnt sleep last night and have a headache. I also have a rectal vain that is not swollen now but sometimes is. I am in pain now and just want that cyst to break open...hope you can advise and give me releaf. Thanks in advance for your time. I am 42, female, weigh 108 pounds and have had my throat glands removed 20 years ago. i have no allergies. Anna