I have a soft tender bump on my skin. It started as one bump that appeared December on my right cheek, and than over night was no longer there but appeared closer to my right ear, than there was 4 of them and now they have clumped together to form one big bump, they have been here since Dec. Sore to touch, no "head" or "pore", and antibiotics are not helping, I have tried oral antibiotics as well as an antibiotic cream. I thought it could be puss filled, so i tried applying a warm cloth to it to draw the puss out, and even tried putting sea salt on it over night hoping to dry it out and it doesnt change at all. I thought perhaps it was a blister and needed to be drained, so I tried to break it with a needle, but nothing even came close to coming out of it, not blood or puss. It is extremely painful to touch and nothing seems to be working. It looks like a blister, and I am worried it is cancerous or an infection. At the time it first showed up I had acne, but since than my acne has almost completely gone away with the help of my antibiotics, this bump has not shrunk at all which leads me to beleive it is not acne. It is not overly red and I have not found a picture online even comparable to what it looks like. Help! Things I have tried:
-Clear Now
-Numerous acne treatments
-Sea Salt
-Applying Heat
-Mylan-Minocycline 100MG
-Fucidin Cream
-Draining it with needle (unsuccessfully)