hi been really worried about my throat was hoarse for almost 8 weeks b4 xmas,then went ok,was sent to go for test at winchester hospital and they hasd cancelled my booking for an emergency case that came up,si i left it be and made no attempt to make anouther appointment,i have not benn feeling to great in the throat area again,along with having normal ear infections due to a perfirated ear drum i have,get bit brathless now and again get heaviness in my shoulder blade,thaught i was having allergy attack of some sort,but i feel there mucas stuck constant in my throat,i do get rid of some but i feel i have double heavy chin at the moment was considering on making appointment with my doctor b4 i go on holiday abroad?but ur made feel as if ur at the surgery just complaing for the sake of it,so i would appreciate to hear what u thimk please im very uncomfortable at the min in my throat not sore but annoying?maureen law