Hello I'm 28 years old , 5'3 1/2 167lbs and I have been having irregular menstrual flow since I've began having a period. At 16 the Doc's diagnosed me with PCOS. They prescribed me with BC pills. After taking them so long I just got sick got tired of them. I decided to stop taking BC pills and I set up an appt. to check my PCOS. Surprisingly, when I went for my exam, (Sonogram) the doctor told me she did not see any signs of PCOS. She says the BC must have helped. Now, I'm faced with long long long!! menstrual cycles I've started working out and eating healthy but when I was at my smallest (125) I was still irregular. My doctor told me the only way that this will stop is by taking BC Pills. I believe this is not the only option for me. If you guys have any suggestions please help. I was thinking about taking some vitamins (Biotin, Calcium, and Vitamin K) I'm hearing by taking Vitamin K and Calcium together can regulate menstrual flow.