To: Dr. Alfred Job Daniel. CMC, Vellore. Patient Name: Anurupa Modak. Hospital No.: 929990D Next Appoinment Date: 10th August,2011.Respected Sir, Patient had a surgery on 3rd May,2011. She was O.K. & was walking a little bit without Crutch & was taking normal bath regular by as your advice.But very recently, she is feelling pain in her anklet in the morning at bed and at the time of walking whenever. At the point of insertion of the sticks, inflamation & pus formation but without secretion is happening alternately at 2-3 points & is heeling up within 2-3 days. At specially two point of insertions nearing knee swelling but with any pus & secretion is there since last one week. The patient is becoming panicky for the pain in fear of internal infection. Now the enquiries are 1) Full bath with soap and walking without crutch whether is allowed or not. 2) Any further suggession regarding medicine for pain & inflamation. My E mail ID : YYYY@YYYY