Q: I am 37 years and have been spoting for 8 to 9 day before getting my heavy periods which last for around three days, this has been happening for the last 2 years. I had a laparascopy 2 weeks ago and the Dr. discovered I have a thick endometrium again he dicovered that my left ovary is enlarge with multiple cycsts. I also have fibros which are still small but in and out of my uterus. My left fallopian tube is blocked thus cannot function. My right ovary also has a swelling at the end the fallopian tube is not blocked. Dr. I have a family history of cancer cause last year I lost my dad due to prostrate cancer then agains lost my sister six months later with an ovarian cancer, four months after her delivery, she was 32 years. I am terified, is it safe for me to carry a pregnancy now? The pathologist recomended a close monitoring on me, although he did not see any cancer cells in my uterine walls, my pap smear was also negative. Should i remove the entire reproductive system. Help am terified!