I'm a 31 year old diabetic (5'9" 180lbs.) who has had a chronic cough for about 13 years now. Last for 11 straight months. Normally get a break in Last September, early October. I have lack energy and lose my breath quite often. If I play a sport such as basketball or football with my friends. Now most of my friends are my age, height, about 40-80lbs heavier and smoke (which I do not) and yet they can last longer than me. I also experience a discomfort, not pain under my left lower rib (feels as if you were to hold your stomach in for too long.). These syptoms have been for 5 or more years. Newer ones include a headache which doesn't really act like a headach. Forehead is a little warmer than usual and feeling some minor pressure, but light nor loud noises bother it. Also, lately have had a loss of appetite, but that normally last for a month and then I can eat normal for a while until it returns. Summer time is torture because temperature above 75 degrees cause me to sweat like a 400lb man. Winters are great, and never wear a coat...and I work outside. I've been told to exercise more, which I had at one point, 10 hours a week at a gym for 9 months and looked like I was in great shape, but symptoms never went away and always had trouble with cardio workouts. At different times my lungs were x-rayed, had a ct scan, ultra-sound (contrast) on my I believe my kidneys. I had blood in my urine, but it eventually was ruled from a calcium build-up. Any ideas? Or do I have to accept the answer that I'm diabetic and these things happen?