I have made two trips to my doctor in the past two weeks. The first was because I had been feeling discomfort under the lower part of my left ribcage, so I went in for a checkup. She took blood and my triglycerides came back at 506. At had drank coffee (black) that morning before going in. Worried that something may be going on with my pancreas, I went back in and she drew more blood. This time my triglycerides came back at 186, just one week later! This was Tuesday that the blood was drawn and I got the news yesterday. Last night the lymph nodes under both of my arms (near the arms pits) became inflamed or swollen, and they are tender. Yesterday I was feeling some sort of sharp, gas like, pain throughout my groin area.
I am a male, 32 years old, and have not had any health problems in the past.