I have pain on my left side at the ribs near spleen area, this occasionally is sharp like a shooting pain, but is usually dull and pressure, it also sometimes radiates in my back, near the lower part of the left shoulder blade. I get dull pain in my mid left side occasionally that sometimes goes to my lower left side (Large intestine?) and all 3 pain locations will spasm from time to time (separately, not together though), I had shivers twice and severe chest pressure a few weeks ago. I get uncomfortable amounts of gas that primarily goes away with excessive burping. The burping and pressure greatly increases after meals or drinks, including water, but is more rare when I don't eat. My stool isn't diarrhea, but occasionally is soft, and often broken into numerous parts. Not black or bloody either.
I had an EKG and passed. I was prescribed a PPI for GERD but it didn't do anything. I dont get acid reflux, heartburn or indigestion but perhaps twice a year, so personally I believe it to be something else. This has been over 3 weeks now.
43, Male, 5'8", 268lbs,
Thank you for any answers.