About 72 hours ago I was having sex with my girlfriend and she was on top and I slipped out and she came down and my penis hit her bone. There was no popping or snapping sound, and there was little to no pain at all. I maintained my erection, and was able to finish. However, when I ejaculated, there was a very little amount of blood in my ejaculate. It freaked me out a little. The blood was very minimal but kept leaking out for the next 15 minutes or so. I urinated fine, and there was no blood in my urine. The next day there seemed to be a very very slight bruise under the head of my penis.. I'm not sure if it is even a bruise or the normal color. The right side of my penis near the shaft is sort of tender but it may be me just worried after seeing the blood. I haven't masturbated or had sex since the event and I kind of have an anxiety to even mess with it again cause I'm not sure if something is wrong or not.