I am 36 years old and weigh 127 lbs. I have a lump on the back left side of my neck near the Occipital lobe area (About the size of my pointer finger pad). For the past 3 months I have had sweaty armpits, with the left one feeling very tender lately. Additionally I have had headaches for the past 6 months, feel fatigued, have random hand tremors, moments of feeling off balanced, with periodic blurred vision. I went to my physician when had developed a rash from what he said was excessive sweating. A prescription did clear it up but it has since returned although not to the magnitude it was initially. I returned to him again when I found the lump and he ordered blood work. My blood pressure was elevated (138/90) which for me was high since it usually runs 90/60. For the past few months my menstrual cycle has been quite heavy.I am quite anxious to know what is going on especially since my mother had Follicular Non-hodgkin's lymphoma three years ago. My physician has cared for me since I was 21. Being at the age I am I realize I may be showing pre-menopausal symptoms. I am a mother of 4 (ages 9, 7, 3 and 15 months). Since July I have been taking Welbutrin (150 mgs. We increased the dosage to 300 about 2 months ago but cut that back to half when I went for the lump) I realize the welbutrin has side effects but the symptoms of headaches, trembling hands, and heavy cycle have been happening before I started the medicine. Being a mother of 4 and a 5th grade teacher I have 'justified' the other symptoms but can't explain the lump. Any advice would be most appreciated.