Hello sir,
I am 26 yr old married women.I missed two periods,pregnancy report is negative..I consulted a gyni she gave me tablets to have periods then advised to have series of blood test(like thyroid,blood sugar HIV)all came normal.then she blindly told i may have Poly cestic ovary(without scanning) and prescribed ovalation tablet for 3 months duration...i was nt satisfied with that doc as she was alwAYS CONFUSING my case as infertility problem rather than periods problem.after 1 month of normal menstral cycle,my periods bleeding didnot stopped for 15 days.so I consulted another gyni so prescribed martinor for first 20 days then after periods start taking crisanta l s for one month after that advised to go for normal abdominal scanning.pls suggest me with proper guidelines as i become obese by consuming ovulation tablet,so is it safe to have it? or what else can be done...