Hello! I am a 23 year old female, 63 kg, 162 cm tall. I am midway through my cycle (expect ovulation to occur in a week) and was only able to receive my new pack of Yaz today. I heard I can do a "quick start" and begin taking my pills mid-cycle. Is that true?I have not had unprotected sex (although I did have sex a few days ago with a condom).I have never experienced side effects from the pill before other than a decreased sex drive.Medical History: I suffer from GERD and currently take Takepron (called Prevacid in the US) and Gasmotrin. I used to suffer from chronic sinusitis and had surgery for that twice as a child. I have never suffered from high blood pressure, don't smoke, drink socially about once a month, have never done drugs other than alcohol, and have never been pregnant.