may result thru transvaginal ultrasound was:
cervix : 3.4x2.93
uterus : 5.36x5.13 retoverted heterogenour regular
endometrium : 1.27 thickened hyperechoic
right ovary : 3.1x2.32 there are multiple small subcapsular follicles measuring left ovary : 3.44x2.02 same as above description
normal sized retroverted uterus
thickened endometrium
polycystic ovaries, bilateral
this test was done oct 22, 2011, two weeks after my menstrual period
but i have previous transvaginal ultrasound which was done sept 10, 2011, a week after my menstrual period with the ff;
cervix : 2.7x2.86
endometrium : .52 cm linear
uterus : 4.52x4.99x4.95 retroverted homogenous regular
right ovary : 2x2.2x2.3 follicle 1.49x0.9x0.9cm
left ovary : 2.6x1.7x2.2 there are multiple subcapsular follicle > 12 in numbers
normal sized retroverted uterus
thin endometrium
normal right ovary with leading follicle as measured
polycystic left ovary