Hi, I have a pain in the center of my back between my shoulder blades, when i tilt my head forwards the pain transfers to the front around my ribcage. From below my ribcage all the way down to my feet my skin is numb, i have a pain in my groin and am loosing control of my legs. my hips and knees buckle and around my knees making me walk like a puppet and my upper legs seems to be swollen. In the bath hot water feels cold and cold things seem to burn the numb areas.
i am loosing faith in my doctor whom i have seen about 5 times in the last 6 months. I have had all the heart tests, lung x-rays, blood tests etc and all he seems to give me is anti-inflam and tramadol drugs and is getting me some physiotherapy when what i feel i need is a spinal scan.
Please advise before i loose control of my legs completely.
Regards David Buckley