I m a 42 Yr. old Female. I was Referred to a Rheum . Dr. for joint pain, nauseated, alot of body ache, sometime blurried vision, sometimes loss of Apetite, Spasm all over...hand and body hurt to the touch....So Dr. send me for alot of testing. Lyme Disease neg. R.A. neg. TB Neg. Hep B Neg. Lupus Neg. RBC Good. Iron Good, A1C normal, Lymph 20%, ESR 57 now, was before 48, CRP was 19, now 18. Vit D 21. Now Dr. Prescribed Vit D, 50,000. 1 X wk for 4 wks. for 2 months. Doctor tells me he know the ESR and CRP is elevated, but he does Not know Y???? non-specific???? Im Concern about the ESR and CRP # s??? What is the next step??? Dr. does not even know??? What do you think???Can you help?? Please. Thank YOu...