Had MRI of lumber , L 4,5 and report indicates bone marrow without heterogeneity Previous MRI C, T, L, and S1 indicated spinal stenosis with a cyst on the thecal sac causing foramina deformity 1. First question, what precisely does the most recent MRI indicate, bone marrow and is their any need for further testing and when if should I be tested as a result of this bone marrow. I also have had a previous blood work which indicated enlarged blood platelets, which was then referred to an endocrinologist whom explained it could be; lupus, leukemia, bone marrow cancer. My Physiologist believes that it could be leukemia however, he personally is leaving it up to myself to decide if I want the tests. Should I just disregard all the results or is the other tests, blood work that would indicate the presence of any of these. 2. Have had a discectomy and am allowed to return exercising and feel I would personally benefit with back messages to help relieve the tension and pain?