Missing Periods And Noticed Dark Brown Discharge. HPT Negative. Started Feeling Baby Movement. What Is Going On?
Hi.. I didnt have my period for july through sept. In october I had dark brown discharge and now in november im bleeding and today is day 12.. I took pregnancy test but negative..and I also feel like theres a baby kickinb in my stomach but like I said negative pregnancy test im also having a slight uncomfortable pain on my left side.. Blit keeps acfing as if the bleeding is going to stop I wipe and theres nothing or very light then out of nowhere really heavy again... Help!!!
You once consult gynecologist, undergo physical examination and ultrasound examination to rule out the possibility of pregnancy and also to find out the cause for your continuous bleeding.
If there is no pregnancy, possibly hormonal imbalance can be the cause for your menorrhagea.
In that case anti-fibrinolytics and hormonal pills are sufficient to stop the bleeding.