feedback please .
hi, my name is kaira and I'm sixteen years old. well about 5-6 months ago I stopped getting my period. ( first got it when i was 8 ) I didn't know why I wasnt getting it but I didn't pay attention to it. After a while I started getting worried. Even though i am sexually active, I knew I wasn't pregnant but just to make sure I took a pregnancy test ( negative ) . so I told my mom after a while and she called the doctor for an app.
they took lots of blood tests and they didn't know what it was or why it was happening either. Since then I've lose about 20 pounds , and I've been super depressed lately. when I went to my last app. about a week ago, they told me I was going thru premature menopause basically . she also told me I have a 10% chance of having my own baby and I have less than 1,000 eggs in my ovaries. my question to you is ...... is there anything else I can do? I really want a baby . it would be my miracle baby! could smoking have anything to do with it? I just don't understand any of it at all. help ? :c