I had a fall 6 months ago that resulted in pelvic fractures, mainly on the right side. Those have healed, but I have significant pain in the left hip, primarily noticeable when walking or putting weight on that joint. That joint was replaced 5 years ago, and the surgeon has advised me it is in place and healthy. I had extensive back surgery 6 years ago involving the lumbar area, including fusion and installation of hardware. The back surgeon also advises me, after an MRI, that the surgery is holding up well. I seem to be at a dead end as far as discovering the source of my current pain. I am scheduled to have a CT scan of my lower back as there is an indication of a disc that is deteriorated. However, the pain in my hip includes a grinding feeling and actually some sound of movement that I don t experience on the other side. Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated.