Hi, I am on the depo shot when I got my first shot my period went away I got my second shot on August 13, 2012 still no bleeding the night of september 5th I started cramping and the morning of September 6th I got my period. That was normal for me because in the past when I was on the depo shot I have gotten my period, but what was not normal was the early morning of September 9th I woke up cramping very bad and it went on for three hours, it felt like something was trying to come out so I sat on the toilet until it did and when it did it was a blood clot after I passed the clot the pain went away, I was thinking I had a miscarriage . I didn t go to the doctor because I thought everything was ok but the night of September 10th I started cramping very bad again this night I went to the hospital but I didn t get a chance to see a doctor because they were to packed so I went back home in pain and once again when the clot passed I was ok. 3 days had passed and I had not passed any clots anymore then came that 4th day I had to leave work to go to the ER because I was cramping and passing clots, this day I did see a doctor and he told me it was normal to have a period while on the depo shot that was not my concern, my concern was the passing the clots and cramping so they sent me home so now I have been bleeding heavy and passing clots while cramping very bad since September 6th, is this normal for a person on the depo shot. Can someone help me or let me know what this is.