Husband was in hospital two weeks ago for 7 days with cellulitis/sepsis of right leg severly and some in the left leg, was treated with IV antibotics for 7 days, leg was swollen and very red.. he had a fever, chills and bacterial pnuemonia which has gotten a lot better,He has a swollen lymph node in groin due to the infection. its been 10 days since he was discharged the leg was still red when he got out but has improved.. he still has pain in it when walking on it.. he s 33 yrs old and obese but trying to lose weight. He has some edema still but it s gotten a lot better.. when he was discharged he was given 10 days of keflex 3x a day.. today he went back to work after being off for two weeks, he says he has some light headness and sweats and pain in leg that started after a few hours of being at work its his first time being really activity since he was discharge.. should we be concerned?