hello, im 24 a mother to 4 had various sexual partners, had chlamidia once when I was a teen and genital herpes for life unfortunately I was some what young and promiscuous in my teens sadly, now im married and settled... I have some concerns as I have been having pains during intercourse, sporadic bleeding, pains in the back and ovaries at work, now some like little pimples. im always having utis, thrush and bacterial vaginosis, I just have had really bad sexual health, I know I am paying the price of my teenage years, ive asked the doctor for a smear test as I am adopted I don't know if anyone in my bloodline has had cervical cancer but I have a gut feeling somethings going on. I have also had constant series of infections lately kidney and currently a bad case of tonsillitis... please don't judge me but let me know what u think