Hi there, about a month ago, I notice what looked like a pimple on my fiance s gential region, it never formed but he scratched it and it eventually looked like it was just dry skin flaking away, he kept scratching it and the dry skin circle, although just a thin line, got wider and wider (im assuming from scratching the skin away instead of letting it heal) Now it s turned into cracked skin and very dry, sort of darker colored as well. I figured it was a dry patch in need of healing , but then after a couple weeks, it never went away and then I notice that I, too, now have a patch in the crease of my right thigh between my thigh and vagina ... I haven t scratched but it seems like it s spread to me. I ve never had anything of the sort so I m wondering if you can shed some light. It looks like nothing more than a patch of dry skin but it s a grey-ish color on me as my skin tone is a bit lighter than his (he is hispanic). It s unnoticable until I accidentally scratch it, then it becomes almost inflamed and incredibly itchy.