hello, last week i consulted an OB_GYNE on a bump i had on my right majora labia . it was not itchy but it feels a needle pinching on it. then my discharge was excessive also. she prescribed me co-amoxiclav and metronidazole to be taken 2x a day for 7days. hours after i took my medicine i had pain on my lower back on the right side. later that night i had pain on my lower ab. this pain come and goes for like 5 days. i told my OB and she asked me to have urinalysis . i am from province and shes in the city. so i just texted her the results and she said its UTI . what bothers me is that i still have pain on my lower back sometimes. and the bump was still sometimes itchy. the result of my urinalysis (i had urinalysis on the 5th day of medication) is quantity 10cc, color yellow/m. cloudy, leucocytes( sorry dont know how to read but it looks like tally but its written like H), PH 6.0, spec grav 1.020, pus cells 5-10 hpf, red cells 2-4 hpf, ca- oxalate (sorry cant read again :( (but it looks like HI) bactecia + epithelial cells (again :( but it looks like HI) am sorry if some i cant find on my keyboard.