Can I take hcg drops while on Coumadin and Depo provera? I have a protein s and factor v laden def. Is Coumadin linked to weight gain? I eat great and healthy with 1400 calories daily, lots of water, little sweets, love fruits and veggies, 8 hrs of sleep, and exercise 1 hr a day. Why am I still gaining or staying the same weight? Could it be something wrong with my metabolism and how do I test for that? I ve talked with my Dr. about all of this and she won t help me! I m desperate and wondering if you could help me say something so she will be open to talking about it. 234 lbs is not normal for a 23 year old 5 4 woman that does everything right! She just says diet and exercise, I am! Even if I lose weight it comes back when I don t change anything. Any suggestions for what else I test for this problem or do?