Seeking Medical Guidance for Persistent Lower Leg Pain I am a 19-year-old female currently on Nexplanon for two years and Sertraline for three months. I have a history of psoriasis. Approximately one year ago, I used to work in a manual field of work, involving the transportation of heavy weights. During that time, I began experiencing consistent leg pain. I do not run, I do not practice any sport but used to walk extensively. Recently, even walking for approximately 15 minutes has become painful. About two weeks ago, I attempted to run for six minutes, but I could not even cover a distance of 50 meters. I have been experiencing sharp, bilateral pain along the front of my tibias, approximately 3cm from the middle of my shins. It s important to note that this pain is distinctly felt on my bone and not on the adjacent muscles. During running, it feels as if my bones are crumbling. I consulted my gp, who initially hesitated to order an X-ray due to the bilateral nature of the pain, but I insisted, and the X-ray results were clear. My GP suggested that I might be suffering from shin splints. The hop test causes prolonged discomfort, and palpation of the affected area also results in lingering pain. Additionally, I have been experiencing knee pain and heel pain, with a sensation of pins and needles, although these symptoms are not as intense as my shin pain. I am uncertain about the next steps and whether I should seek a second opinion or request further tests. My GP advised rest, but I already lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle due to the pain. Any guidance on how to address this issue would be greatly appreciated.