Hello, I m experiencing a sharp continuous pain in my lower abdomen, just below the navel. It started this morning. I have never had any problems like this before. I feel the pain only when I m walking or during any other physical activity. Pain is sharp and like menstrual cramps , only stronger. Yesterday was the last day of my period and usually, I experience strong cramps and heavier than normal bleeding during menstruation . I use contraceptive pills regularly and I have never had a pregnancy before. I do not feel pain during intercourse , usually. Also, I have never had any major problems in this area and I get checked out at least once a year. Also I ve lost appetite once the pain started. I ve not experienced any symptoms like difficulty to urinate, fatigue, diarrhea, or nausea. Only the pain which has been continuing for the last 7 hours. It gets milder when I take a pain-killer. I think it is because of cold, but I need to hear a professional opinion before my gynecologist is available. Also, could you, please, advice on how serious my situation might be and if the urgent actions are to be taken. Thank you.