Do I need to be treated for Vitamin D deficiency or for Rheumatoid Arthritis? Or do I need to reconfirm for Calcium, Vitamin D and ANA? Kindly suggest on the basis of following clinical results:
Patient: Madhvi Singh, Female, 38 Years, 62 Kg, 5’2’’
Complaint: Pain in ankle, heel, fingers joints, swelling at joints, 7 months
Test Results:
Investigation 06.02.2014 01.11.2013 14.09.2013 15.03.2013
Hb 10.3 g/dl 10.4 g/dl 11.5 g/dl
Blood Sugar Fasting 92 mg/dl
Platelets 1.74 lack/cmm
Erythrocytes 4.17 milli./cumm
Leucocytes 8100 /cumm 9100 /cumm
Neutrophil 63% 66%
Lymphocytes 31% 28%
Eosinophil 04% 05%
Monocyte 02% 01%
Basophil 00% 00%
ESR 1 hr 32 mm/hr 28 mm/hr
ESR 2 hr 65 mm/hr 55 mm/hr
ESR Average 32.25 mm/hr 27.75 mm/hr
Uric Acid 4.6 mg/dl (f) 5.4 mg/dl
Serum Calcium 8.9 mg/dl
Blood Urea 28 gm/dl
Serum Creatinin 0.9 mg/dl
RDW 18.47%
PCV 33.11%
MCV 79.4 fl
MCH 24.94 pg
MCHC 31.41%
MPV 9.64%
PDW 8.69%
PCT 0.17%
R. A. Factor 18
TSH (Ultrasensitive) 4.570 2.99
CCPA 0.66 (-ve)
ANA Homogenous(+/-)
25-OH Vit D Total 13.19
Blood Pressure 110/70 110/70 110/70 110/70
Thanking you,