No period since my son was stillborn
Hi! I am a 33 year old African American woman who has Sickle Cell Anemia (SS). I have sickle cell ulcers that have undergone surgery and have had back to back MRSA infections that I'm still dealing with the MRSA infections now! My son was stillborn in 2004 and I began to get ulcers on both my feet in the summer of 2005. My periods which started when I was 18, have ALWAYS been very light (1-3 days, extremely light bleeding or spotting) and VERY irregular! Sometimes they would come every 3-6 months or once a year. After my son passed away they stopped all together! I was told they would return but even after taking birth control, my periods have simply vanished. I have been without periods since then but have not been told by my GYNECOLOGIST that I should be worried or concerned. I am now thinking about having other children but I am extremely worried this is now not possible.
Is my lack of periods able to be restarted?
Have the continual MRSA complications with my ulcers impacted my menstrual cycle?
Is there some type of condition I should be worried about?
Thank you!
Jocelyn C. Danridge