I recently discovered a small brownish area on the inside of my labia majora . I haven t looked at that area in awhile, and was surprised to discover it. It is flat, and I have had no itching or other problems. There does appear to be a capillary or small vein running through it, or at the end of it. I did discover it last week after I woke up on the couch with that side of my labia majora feeling very asleep or pinched from sitting too long in one position. (I am overweight .) Is it possible I caused trauma to that area, or could this be a result of hormonal changes? I have definitely been peri-menopausal for the last 2 years. (I m 45) Could it be a mucosal melanotic lesion? There is only one spot, and the cases I saw online refer to more than one spot. Is this a cause for concern? I m worried!