Me and my fiance have been having unprotected sex for quite some time, my last period was the weekend before thanksgiving and I have yet to have a period. Lately my urine has had a strong smell to it, my last visit with my gyno Parker, he said that I had no stds and I didn t have a UTI ive been drinking water, but it still smells strong but its not dark, its normal urine color, I have been getting light headed, back aches, weird cravings that lasts less than twenty minutes, it hurts to lay on my stomach , and today I went to go pee and my stomach felt as if I had to make a vowel movement, I spent twenty minutes doing light stomach contractions to see if I did have to make a vowel movement, and then I heard a slight splash and saw three globbish. Or like blobs of white ball looking things, I checked my vagina to see if there was any discharge(which is normal for me, but my discharge ids always white/clear and not thick, Parker said that its a healthy discharge.) But there was no discharge, blood , or what I thought was yeast infection , but there was no discharge of any of the three at all. My breasts aren t really sore, but my nipples have changed a darker color