tuesday i came home from work with a small headache, i laid down and then my headache faded away. then also tuesday night before bed i noticed that i was getting a sore throat, the pain was about a 1. then yesterday morning i woke up early and my throat was still hurting the pain was still at 1. my throat hurt some but it mainly hurt some when i swallow. this is the second time in my life that i have had a sore throat. the first time i had one, i had a headache the day before, then got the sore throat and the day after had a stuffy nose but with that the throat pain got worse in the middle of the night. and that time i figured out that i had viral pharyngitis. yesterday my throat pain was getting better but it was still there somewhat. it also seemed a little bit that my voice seems a little weird, and i did cough every once in a blue moon and when i did it kinda made my throat a little bit sorer then before. i coughed on and off for about 45 minutes wednesday afternoon and it was kinda like a hoarsy cough do to my sore throat. and late afternoon wednesday i have gotten another headache, the headache was bad enough for me that i felt really nauseous. i took my temp wednesday night and it was 98.1. i woke up thursday morning and felt 10 times worse. i woke up and i was all congested in my nose and it felt like i had 2 frogs in my throat. Oh and wednesday night even though i had no fever i still felt really hot, and could barely cover up because i felt hot. yesterday i felt a little better, was stuffy and coughing some. then yesterday i wake up and am still stuffy this time when i blow my nose yellow snot comes out, coughing some and had a hoarse voice again. the sore throat and headache are gone. this morning i woke up coughing some, stuffy and had another frog in my throat.so what do i have? and how can i get rid of it? i was thinking that i had another sinus infection because of the headache and the yellow snot. if i am still sick on monday should i call the doctor and ask for antibiotics or should i just let it run its course? and today i noticed that when i touched my glands they were tender