Sinusitis. 60yo healthy female. Active, normal weight, never smoked or did drugs, Hypothyroidism, (Armour) Hashimoto’s, elevated prolactin levels. On cholesterol meds and just started B/P meds. Allergy tested – all neg. Never had any sinus troubles until 14 months ago and sick for 6 weeks (missing work for 4). Started again 6 weeks ago. 3 meds didn’t work finally felt better after 2 rounds of Z-max. Finished a week ago. Had initial CT (“impressive”) and 2nd CT last week. Doc said everything looks much better and she Dx as acute sinusitis as the tissues in the film looked good. Today symptoms started again. Usually asymptomatic (other than cold like symptoms) but today pressure in face and drainage in throat. Mucus is never anything but clear. Do nasal rinse and Flonase. I am concerned this is something else as symptoms are not normal, I never had any before and it is back again. Could thyroid and/or pituitary be involved? How long can something like this take to be cured?