Hi. My name is Julie and I am a 13 year old girl. About three days ago, I got a menstrual cramp, which is odd for me because I inherited from my mother the trait of not getting cramps ever. I also started my period later that day. That night I wasn't feeling the greatest but I was still doing okay. The next morning, which was now Friday, my cramp was gone, however, I felt nauseous. I didn't go to school that day and pretty much tried to sleep that whole day. That night, I figured my cramp returned. But when I tried to go to bed, it was extremely difficult, because I was in a lot of pain in almost whatever pose I slept in. Eventually, I did make it to sleep, but I woke every couple hours. Today (technically yesterday, because it is 6:50 AM) I got somewhat better, and I thought I would be okay by tomorrow. Clearly, I was wrong. I went to bed at 3:00 AM, and every hour until now I have woken up. I can't go back to sleep now, I am in too much pain. Tears come to my eyes almost every time I move from the pain. There is no way this is a cramp. I don't know what to do. Please help!