I have been dealing with what I have thought was a pinched nerve in my neck/ shoulder, but we are at week 7 now with it and i am beginning to have more serious issues. I have seen a Dr. Massage therapist, chiropractor and now i'm under her care with massage therapy daily to address this, but before I go the next step i wanted an opinion.
I don't remember hurting my arm at any time, but about 7 weeks ago I woke up feeling stiff in the arm/ shoulder. After about 3 weeks of waking up with no relief I saw a family practitioner. He gave me an injection of steroids and prescribed a 6 day steroid pack to help loosen me up. I was to the point that I was not moving my right side at all, and was so tense the headaches I was dealing with daily have been beyond anything I have ever experienced with pain and I get frequent migraines.
Now that that didn't subside the pain at all, I went about 2 weeks ago to see a chiropractor. I have been to her office daily, getting readjusted, done the T.I.N.S unit (spelling) daily, doing stretches etc, with minimal relief.
I have burning down the back of my arm into my fingers constantly, but now my neck feels so heavy by mid day I get really light headed now like I cannot hold my head up anymore. My neck is extremely achy, and when I lay down I lose all feeling in my right hand - numb completely.
Now the pain pressure point is located at my collar bone and extends to the tip of my shoulder but it feels deep like it is pushing my shoulder up, and it is radiating pain every which direction but also I think is affecting my thought process as I find myself losing my ability to focus all the time. Do I request an MRI or X ray? Could it be my neck? Should I seek emergency care when I feel like I cannot hold my head up anymore. I am getting very concerned, and just looking at some way to get relief. I am now on Prednisone 2 pills a day, Motrin 400 Mg every 4 hours and pretty much Ice round the clock.
I work in an office and am right handed so this is next to impossible to rest throughout the day. Please help.