I have this very frustrating hereditary skin problem which gives me red, painful rash around my eyes, chicks, neck and other body parts. It is always symmetrical on the both sides. I am having rash as reaction to all food high in minerals and vitamins and had the same problem 6 years ago when I ended up eating only rice and drinking distilled water. I had my hair mineral test and been prescribed trace nutrients (mostly to support my very slow metabolism which included (adrenal complex, vitamin b complex, HCL plus, vitamin A, E, Zink and potassium supplements) and advised not eat any milk and milk products, no vitamin d supplements and any food which contains calcium. It made me feel better within couple of weeks and I continued taking those supplements for good 7-8 months. After then, I stopped all those medicines and started taking one tablet of vitamin B complex (high power) and I was fine until now. Suddenly, before 3 months I started having that red, painful itchy rash on my face and I started taking those trace nutrients tables from last two months but unfortunately, for some reason it’s not working this time and I continue having the rash on my face. I am not eating any dairy products and not anything with calcium or vitamin D supplements. I am sure I got some kind of mineral deficiency which disturbs the mineral balance in my body but not sure what exactly and how to restore that balance again.
On my hair mineral test report, it explained the ratio of calcium was very high with other minerals and vitamins and that’s reason of my skin rash. I am very frustrated and would appreciate any help. my father has got the same problem and sometimes he will have this rash on all his body and then it will disappear for some time without any proper medication.
I am 34 years old female if it helps.