I have had frontal lobe seizure disorder since puberty with grand mal seizures occurring when I sleep. I understand that this is a result of scar tissue in my frontal lobe where my memory section is. I have used phenabarb, tegretol, topomax, keppra, and currently am using lamictal. I changed meds initially due to severe drowsiness with tegretol; and have been pleased with lamictal with the exception of severe antacid or burping at night when I lay down. Dexilant worked perfect but I have changed insurance and lamictal and dexilant are considerably higher copays now with dexilant no longer covered. My questions - 1) what are the best seizure disorder meds out there now with least amount of side effects, 2) what are primary differences between side effects with tegretol or carbamezapine xl and lamictal?