I am S.Sankar Ganesh from southern India, I am a finance professional. I am
aged around 35 years. I got small accident (two wheeler collision) during
May 2005 and I took CT scan during 7.5.05, doctors found that I had a
heamorrage spot both in left and right brain. I undergone treatment for some
days and again I took CT scan during 12.05.2005, doctors said calcification
is in progress and nothing to worry. I had severe pain from neck to head and
I was not able to sleep and at times I had variation in pressure. I consulted many doctors and all of them told I am
not having any problem. Since I was not able to sleep, they prescribed me
some sleeping pills like Alprox0.5Mg, Restryl, etc. First I started with 1
tablet a day (and even if I took 4 or 5 tablets I was not able to
sleep that time). From the date of prescription to August 2007 I used to take
sleeping tablets daily. Again I consulted a brain neuro specialist during
2006, he again instructed me to take CT scan and he said calcification is in
progress and nothing to worry. But I had different problems than sleeping,
shivering (now I happen to know that is tremor) and I was losing my
consciousness at times. During Jan 2007 I again consulted a brain neuro
specialisit he asked me to take EEG and said the electrical supply to brain
is high at times and hence I am facing this problem and he prescribed me
some tablets for 6 months. During this process, I used to have severe
tremors and at times I used to fall at my work place and losing my
consciousness and even sometimes I was admitted at hospitals in severe
conditions by having low pressure that to around 40-50. I again consulted
the same brain neuro specialist during July 2007, he said there is nothing
to worry.
I was under tremendous pressure about my health because of severe tremor and
losing consciousnesss and I was not able to work freely. I again consulted
neuro specialists during Sep 2007, they said calcification in thallamus
region is affecting me. They said the numbness and tremor are quite casual
because of injury in brain. They said it might be because of irregular diet
and hence metabollic changes and nothing to do with trauma.
During these processes I tested my cholestrol level, it was really worrying
picture. It was like a share market figures at times it used to reach and
after few days it will show very low and after some time it will show medium
values. To be very frank I did not take any tablets for cholestrol.
During first week of Sep2007 itself, Triglycerides shown 512 one day and
after two days it was only 212.
They asked me to take EEG again and they said there is nothing to worry.
They checked with Urology department and they tested urological things and
they said there is nothing to worry with urological parameters. They tested
blood for calcium, pottasium, urea level and they said all are normal.
They prescribed me to take Eption 100 and Amytrin 25mg daily. After taking Eption and Amytrin tablets, doctors said there will be improvements and I will not
have any problem, but after taking these tablets I lost my consciousness for
more than 3 times and I am having severe burning in toe to knee region in
both legs, numbness in both legs and both hands.
I again consulted a brain neuro specialist he asked me to take EEG again and
he said there is nothing to worry. Because of my severe burning symptoms in both legs, he asked me to take ENMG in both the legs. After seeing ENMG he
said there is nothing to worry regarding nerve problems.
I was taking these
tablets as per brain neuro specialist
1. Eption 100MG - 1 - 0 - 3
2. Amytrin25 - 0 - 0 - 1
3. Amoxylin for teeth infection
I had breathing trouble and due to which I was admitted in hospital during November 9 and again on November 28. The doctor prescribed me some additional neurological tablets and injections.
During the first week of December 2007, I started going for walking as prescribed by physicians to overcome my numbness problems in legs, but I faced high difficulties while walking and at times I had severe tremor and I consoled myself that it might be because of climate. While walking I used to have dizziness and I used to take rest for some time on road.
Again from 1.1.2008, I was not able to speek and I have more pain on throat region and I am struggling to utter words from base stomach. I feel more pain in throat region. Again I consulted the same Brain Neuro specialist on 13.1.2008, he said there will be some defeciency in Calcium Level and he prescribed some tablets along with neuro tablets. I got well after 15 to 20 days, I think.
After that its quite often that I will be having this speech problem and it will be there for 15 to 20 days.
Now after 2 years, for the past few days I am quite often suffering from Tremor in both hands. I am also having problem with right hand and at times palm region in right hand is having numbness for long time and it affects my work.
Now from yesterday (13.2.2010) I am having again this speech problem.
I stopped tablets from pretty long time.
Now I must know why I am having severe tremor, losing consciousness,
numbness in both legs and hands, severe pain from neck region to back head,
vomitting sensation, sleeping disorder, not able to ve proper diet at proper
time and at last this speech problem. Whether its all due to brain injury or with any other cause?
Please help me, I am highly disturbed and depressed with this. Is it because
of trauma or calcification in thallamus region or metabolligical disorders.
S.Sankar Ganesh