This is sarat here. I am 28 years old, married , 5'5" weighing nearby 60-64 kg.
I have skin problem. My skin is very sensitive to allergies. I recently get new type of allergy in which I got pimples on my whole body except face . THe pimples are very strange, it irritates me till the time I scratch them and squeez out blood from them . Once blood is out , then irritation stops, due to which I got lots of marks on my body which looks very ugly. Please suggest me the medicine , I am expecting so avoiding to take tablets or any other, recommendation of ointments or other would be appreciable.
The basic thing what type of problem is this in which there is no pus but squeezing out blood after scratching gives releive.
Your directions and medicine recommendations would be appreciable. WWW.WWWW.WW