I am 19, and sexually active. Have not used any form of contraceptive-reason being my boyfriend and I are ready for a baby, and can financially support one. I used to be on the depovera shot for a few years. January of this year I stopped getting the shots. My periods went almost instantly back to normal, except for being 5 days instead of 3, and heavier. Well, last month it was late. It usually comes the 5th of every month. It came the 9th. It started with light bright red spotting, then brown, then heavy red. It lasted 2 days and happened in that order. This month, my period still isn't here. I am not sure what this could mean? I took two pregnancy tests last month and they we're negative. I also had period symptomns like sore boobs, cramping, back ache, etc. Which, usually, I never get any period symptomns and my periods are always easy. Although, additionally to the other new symptomns last month, I wasn't very hungry and I was slightly nauseous. Not to mention I was VERY emotional and sensitive. For a few days I was crying over ever little thing and not myself. Hence why I took the pregnancy tests. After the spotting bleeding which I believe was my period last month, all my symptoms with it went away. Now, like I said, my period isn't here still. My breasts also hurt, and I've been restless the past 3
Nights trying to sleep and stay asleep. I am very confused as to why my period is like this or what it could mean and why...please help?