Hello , my husband is diagnosed with semen analysis asthenoteratozoospermia. Values - active (% 4- A) 3 , slow (% 3 -D ) 6 , oscillating (% C - 2 ) 9 , fixed ( 1 % -D); mobility index 30; progressive (% A + B) 9; motility ( % A + B + C) 18 , a total motile sperm - 10.9469 ; progressive level -1.
Semen volume (ml) 4.2; liquefaction ( minutes ) 25 full ; viscosity would normally ; concentration ( million / ml ) 14.48 , total ( million / ejaculate ) 60.816 ; abstinence 3 days ; ph 8 , color - normal . Morphology - normal forms (%) 5 ; criterion - not strictly , fast normal concentration ( million / ml ) 0.0217 . My husband can you improve semen analysis with herbs and drugs and what they are I have blocked fallopian tubes . Can you get pregnant with this semen analysis .